Monday, February 1, 2010

2/1/2010 Check-In :-)

Happy Monday Mamas!!!! This is the first Check-In for February 2010! We're getting closer and closer, huh?

Check-In time:

1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri?
2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week?
3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.)
4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start?
5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!?
6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet?
7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day??
8. Anything else you want to share???


  1. 1. 2nd 18 weeks
    2. heartburn is killer lately
    3. yes :) lower left usually... but all over
    4. not taking any
    5. Feb 11
    6. 3pc furnature set
    7. nah.... doing dinner and a movie the day before instead
    8. nope

  2. CASSIE730:
    1. 2nd Trimester, 18 weeks
    2. Feeling great today!!! :-) Just tired as usual but no sickness.
    3. Feeling it all the time now especially at night when I'm sitting in bed on my laptop baby just goes at it!
    4. Bradley Classes starting March 23rd, yay!!!
    5. 2/20! AHHHH!! CAN'T WAIT!
    6. A few odd and end things. My Mom bought our crib and changing table for Christmas but we're saving all the "big" purchases for after the shower.
    7. Shopping, then Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi...Mmmmmm!!! My kind of day!
    8. I'm thinking of getting a prenatal massage...if anyone has had one fill me it as awesome as it sounds to me!?

  3. 1. 2nd Trimester 18wks
    2. I am actually feeling really good
    3. Yes, just felt my first movement like 30 minutes ago, I am so excited
    4. Not yet, I am start prenatal yoga this week. I think Our first child birth class isn't until March
    5. We are team find out Feb. 11
    6. I bought the baby a tigger doll for the nursery
    7. No, we will probably have dinner somewhere.
    8. I can't think of anything today!

  4. 1. 16w4d - 2nd tri
    2. m/s is FINALLY moving out! I am still sick some in the mornings or if I go too long without eating. But I am off the Zofran and doing much better. However, I have noticed heartburn much more now - but I'll take it over getting sick!
    3. Yep, lower left side. I can't wait to feel it more consistently.
    4. No birthing classes since this is #2 for us, plus I am having a c-section.
    5. Just scheduled it for Feb. 19th!! So excited to see the baby and make sure everything is on track. Oh and we plan to find out the sex if possible!!
    6. We have a lot from our DD - furniture, big items. So we'll just need to fill in with bedding and clothes if we find out it's a boy (which I totally think it is). Can't wait to shop!
    7. No big plans. DD's birthday is Feb. 12 and we have her b-day party on the 13th so I know I will be exhausted from that.
    8. Had my 16w appointment last Friday and everything is "perfect" according to my doctor. Loved hearing that! Heartbeat was 144.

  5. 1. 17 weeks 3 days
    2. Same old, same old. Back has been hurting more and more
    3. Deffinitly started feeling movement :) Little flutters and kicks all over.
    4. We are taking the Bradley classes. They start March 9th and go though May 11th.
    5. Almost one week away! February 10th!
    6. We have the furniture, bought some bookcases this weekend, and have started buying gender neutral clothes here and there.
    7. Maybe a nice foot rub from the hubby?? Nothing big planned.

  6. 1) 17.5 weeks
    2) had some RLP last week. that wasn't fun.
    3) been feeling the flutters for a few weeks now. More consistent the farther I am. I feel it all over the place.
    4) Yes, we are doing one in May/June
    5) team green, but next u/s is February 17th.
    6) lots of odds and ends, nothing major yet.
    7) going to see Valentine's Day movie, dinner/dance through his work, then Daytona 500 on Sunday!

  7. 1. 18 weeks today
    2. Major gas pains/cramps over the weekend :P
    3. Feeling flutters quite a bit! Especially after I eat, haha
    4. Still deciding...
    5. Not yet
    6. Ordered the crib last week!
    7. I think we will see the "Valentine's Day" movie and I will make us a special dinner...and if I'm feeling up to it, maybe DH will get lucky!
    8. My dreams are getting more and more disturbing every night...

  8. 1. 18 weeks 3 days
    2. Finally hit stride around week 16 with the morning sickness. Been crying quite easily though for the last week or so.
    3. Not sure - there's something going on, but never sure if its kicks or bubbles!
    4. Later - April I think. What are these Bradley classes?
    5. Last Tuesday - Team BLUE! We can't wait to meet you, Ben!
    6. Just ordered crib and changer and picked up some bedding on Sunday. Moving into bigger place this week so Baby doesn't have to share a room with DH's office. Will get rest after shower in mid-May.
    7. Weekend at B&B on Coronado. 5 years since our first date!

  9. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 18 weeks
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? Odd tightening sensation across my lower abdomen that is uncomfortable but not painful and only lasts for a few minutes at a time.
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.)Yes, starting to feel more obvious thumps and nudges daily. Usually feel movement in lower abdomen
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? birthing class and breast feeding. Start in third trimester.
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? Find out one week from today!
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? We have not but family has bought a couple things
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? Nope, I am not a fan of Valentine's Day so we will treat it as any other day.
    8. Anything else you want to share??? So excited to see LO again next Monday and hopefully find out if we are Team Blue or Pink!

  10. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 17 weeks 5 days
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? Heartburn has been the worst and more nose bleeds too.
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.) Nothing yet…still waiting! :O) Hopefully soon
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? We have the packet from the hospital but we haven’t decided or scheduled anything just yet.
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? Team find out on February 19th!!! 19 days! I cant wait!
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? Bedding stuff because it went on clearance
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? Yes our last romantic get-a-way for awhile. Going to a bed and breakfast that we have gone to for years (our honeymoon and anniversaries) and getting a couples spa day! Yes!!
    8. Anything else you want to share??? I cant wait until I feel the little one! It cant come soon enough!

  11. 1. 16 weeks tomorrow.
    2. Lower back pain.
    3. I've felt flutters.
    4. Just looking at this point.
    5. 3 weeks.
    6. Crib. Some odds and ends.
    7. Nope. My husband works third shift that day.
    8. Not today.

  12. 1. 15w5d, 2nd tri :) Can't believe I'm almost 4 months!
    2. Insomnia! That's new. I'm having some serious sleep/fatigue issues
    3. I'm pretty sure I've felt flutters :) Low, mainly to the right and center.
    4. I start taking reg. birthing/parenting classes in April
    5. We will sched our big u/s at our next appt on 2-17. It will be the week of 2/22-2/26. I will be 19w
    6. Not personally, but my family has bought a few things.
    7. No, unfortunately we don't have the money to do anything. So we will prob just eat at home :)
    8. Can't wait for my next appt on 2-17!

  13. I actually am on the bump and due July 20 - but never signed up to be listed. I have a blog though, so feel free to check that out. Anyways - onto the questions:

    1. I will be 16 weeks tomorrow.
    2. New symptom: stabbing pain in my lower left abdomen (doctor says everything is fine!)
    3. No movement yet but am waiting patiently.
    4. I am starting to think about childbirth classes - but am waiting to talk with the hospital about my options.
    5. My next appointment is in a week, and I'll get the papers to make my big u/s then. So probably in the next few weeks.
    6. Some books for us to read - but nothing for the baby yet.
    7. Hubby has something planned - we'll see.

    Love this blog idea!

  14. 1. 2nd tri and just starting my 17th week!
    2. TMI...GAS!
    3. I am feeling flutters, and it is in the center.
    4. I think we are opting not to do this.
    5. Big u/s in 3 weeks :)
    6. one onsie: it says I heart mom and dad
    7. Nope not thus far

  15. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 2nd
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? M/s is still improving, haven't thrown up in probably two weeks! woohoo!
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.)I Think I have, it's been low and on both sides.
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? No. Don't think I will take any.
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? no.
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? not really
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? Haven't even talked about it yet.
    8. Anything else you want to share?? we had a 16 week u/s today to check the twins growth and it looks like we are having a boy and a girl!

  16. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 16 weeks.
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? I have been stuffed up but not sure if that is preg. related or just weather related.
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? I don't know if I have or not. I think so but I can for sure yes that was kick or movement.
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? I need to sign up for them. I am going to talk to my doctor on Monday about it.
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? We have an ultrasound next Monday and I am hoping we will find out then. If not it wont be until March
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? A LOT! :) Crib, dresser, some swaddlers, free samples of huggies diapers, and my mom sent me a car package today with a bunch of fun baby stuff.
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? We never do anything for valentines day so we arn't going to start now! :)
    8. Anything else you want to share??? I am really hoping that we get to find out the gender next monday I really don't want to wait to march, I'm not that patient! :)

  17. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 2 trimester, 18 weeks
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? My skin is starting to itch more frequently but my migraines are finally disappearing.
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.) Not as far as I can tell, but it's my first so I'm not sure.
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? Nope. DH and I are freaked out about them a little bit. Don't know if we even wanna go there.
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? YES February 24 and I simply cannot wait.
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? My parents got us a crib for Christmas and a few toys. We haven't gotten anything yet, waiting to find out girl or boy.
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? I wish! DH is producing and acting in a play over Valentines Day so I'm on my own :( But I did get my glitter toes in advance to cheer me up!
    8. Anything else you want to share??? Can't wait for the sunshine to be out every day. I am so sick of the snow and winter! Bring on the flip flops

  18. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 15 weeks, 1 day--2nd Tri
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? Getting an appetite back!
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.) Nothing yet.
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? Looking into it.
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? It'll likely be March 3rd, have to schedule it this Wednesday.
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? Not yet--waiting on the sex.
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? Just dinner with the DH.
    8. Anything else you want to share??? Can't think of anything!

  19. 1. 14 weeks 4 days, 2nd tri.
    2. Hearburn more lately. Tums Smoothies are amaziing.
    3. No movement yet.
    4. Maybe lamaze?? We are not sure.
    5. We might have to wait until March. Sucks being due at the END of July.
    6. Just a onsie at Xmas for DH.
    7. Probably dinner?
    8. Nothing new.

  20. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Wk 18
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? Movement!
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? Yes - mostly low - strong pokes though!
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? I have contacted 2 places & need to decide where I'll go - around early 30 weeks I guess?
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? It's THURSDAY!!!!!!!!
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? No, will do after Thursday:)
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? No, we don't celebrate it
    8. Anything else you want to share??? I used to be AmericanInOz, but now I'm 'out' to my local board, so this is my 'real' screen name:)

  21. um yea - should have posted what screen name I meant - I used to be AmericanInOz, but my nest screen name I've been using forever is MoniqueJW

  22. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 2nd tri, 17 weeks
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? Heartburn, RLS, nothing really new.
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.) Felt movement a few times, lower right and in the center
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start? Planning on signing up for them this week, it's a prenatal that inncludes a breastfeeding section as well
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? Feb 12th!!! Can't wait!!!
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? Tried to get a travel system from BRU but the deal sold out :( Next time!
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day?? We're going to wait until then to find out what the baby is (have the tech write it down)
    8. Anything else you want to share??? Can't think of anything this week!

  23. 1. 19weeks today!
    2. Heartburn still around...not quite as tired during the day.
    3. Yup...feeling it kinda all over
    4. Thinking about them....going to ask next week at my appt on when to take them
    5. Big U/S is next Wednesday!
    6. some paci's on clearance....and a boppy at a thrift store for $4
    7. Nope
    8. everything is starting to go by very fast....already getting showers planned...

  24. 1. What week/trimester are you in now? Anyone still in 1st tri? 14w4d 2nd tri
    2. Any new symptoms (or disappearing symptoms) this week? most of my symptoms are gone
    3. Have you felt any movement yet??? Where is it located? (high, low, left, right, etc.)no movement just gas
    4. Have you started thinking about any child birthing classes? Which ones are you taking? When do they start?yes we will take them around 6 months
    5. Have you scheduled the "Big" U/S?? Or are you going team Green!? we will schedule it on Thursday
    6. Have you purchased anything for baby yet? not until we know the sex
    7. Do you have big plans for valentine's day??DH and I are going to a bed and breakfast
    8. Anything else you want to share??? ready for a real bump instead of bloat

  25. 1. 17w2d - 2nd Tri and loving it!
    2. I feel like a broken record, but constipation and congestion (though the latter is from the cold I've had for the last week-- boo)
    3. I think so, but I'm still not sure-- lower left
    4. Bradley starts tonight-- soooooo excited! I started reading the book too (Husband-Coached Childbirth) and I really think it's going to be so great for us and LO
    5. 2/11, but we're Team Green, so I'm just excited to get to see LO looking like a baby instead of the gummy bear I saw at 10w :)
    6. Still just those receiving blankets from last week-- it's getting harder to hold back the shopping, though
    7. Nope, unless DH has a surprise up his sleve
    8. Told my direct boss at work yesterday (the first work person I've told at all, and he was really happy for us and wants to work with me to come up with a way for me to work from home at the end of my mat. leave to be able to stay with LO longer-- fabulous!

  26. 1. 2nd tri - 15w5d
    2. Nope, boobs still hurting like hell.
    3. I finally had my first flutters this past week. Lower right both times actually.
    4. Nope, not yet.
    5. Nope, still waiting for the BIG one.
    7. DH and I will probably not do anything but stay in and watch a movie. Low key for us.
    8. Finally bought some maternity clothes and they are a million times more comfy!

  27. 1. 18 weeks and 3 days
    2. Still the same ol' morning sickness, now with nosebleeds and stuffyness.
    3. I feel twinges laying down being quiet pretty much all over for brief seconds each time. Definitely the baby.
    4. Need to get on this--Lamaze or Bradley.
    5. Found out Monday---TEAM PINK!!! Alice Caroline is looking good!
    6. I plan on buying or looking at coming home outfits (for first photos) soon.
    7. Nah, we aren't big on V-day. We celebrate our anniversary.
    8. Just over the moon to be having a girl!!!
